Fishing report for 6/24/24

Apologies for the gap in reports, been extremely busy here! There has been lots of action on all fronts, so let’s get to the report.
Beachfront has been heating up with a wide variety of fish. Striper, bluefish, fluke, black drum, spot, kingfish, sand sharks and even weakfish. Striper and drum have been hitting on clam (either salted or fresh) but sadly are slowing down. Bluefish have been all over on mullet and mackerel, when the schools come through swim baits or sub surface lures are a great option. Sand sharks have literally been EVERYWHERE! Flooding our waters due to their spawn. They eat just about any kind of bait so they are almost a certain catch. Fluke with a few weakfish have been around the jetties on soft plastics and gulp with quite a range in size. Kingfish and spot have started showing. The spot though have started taking over already. Hearing the kings are a little difficult to catch with the spot beating them to the baits almost instantly. Bloods are the best but fish bites are starting to work.
Back bay action has been kind of up and down just as much as the water temperature. Temps have been rising and falling up to around 20 degrees per tide, which can completely shut down a bite. We only dropped about 8 degrees yesterday on the tides so fingers crossed it starts getting better from here. That being said outgoing tide has been the best tide, once the water starts to even out. "Find clean water and find fish" is the absolute motto to live by for fluke, once you find the clean water you find fish. Last week for a couple days minnows were the hot commodity. Big ticket seems to be bigger gulp or soft plastics. 5 inch grubs or swimming mullet have been the best by far, mix of colors bright being the best with pink shine still hitting hard. Corsons has still been the focal point of everything, tons of blues and sharks with some fluke mixed in especially on lures, bluefish more on mullet. Same goes for 9th street around the piers just slightly slower action. Striper have been around the bridges and piers at night mainly on soft plastics, from the boat there is an added advantage using eels around the bridges catching bigger fish. Rivers are still producing tons of perch action on shrimp, bloods, and fishbites. Short bass are in the deep holes up there it seems more so on clams and bloods. Started to hear a couple sheepshead pop up around the piers and bridges but with the cold water changes it keeps shutting them down.
River action has still been great. Lots of perch as white perch on bloods and small schoolie striper on the outgoing tides at the mouths of the creeks. Shout out to Anthony for weighing in his fish of a lifetime! He caught this monster off of Kennedy park. This fish weighed in at 7.27lbs and measured out at 27 inches, out of his kayak nonetheless. Congrats Anthony! thank you for bringing your fish in!!!