Fishing report for 08/22/23

Well after many weeks of the same action in our bay and surf we finally have some new things happening! Before we dive into the report, we just wanted to make a little plug for this Sunday's NJ Satfest Tournament. This tournament is the largest purse for a surf fishing tournament in the country.
Starting with the back bays, it seems there is action everywhere. The bay is still flooded with spot and croaker. With them another guest showed up and that's micro seabass. They are all over the bay, while annoying they are a constant form of entertainment for the kids. Bloodworms or fishbites are the bait of choice for the croaker and spot, seabass however eat anything in front of their face. Fluke have been plentiful, keepers have not. There has been some really nice fish in the past 2 weeks but a lot of throwbacks. Last week it seemed mackerel or squid strips were the best bait. This week its pointing towards more gulp than anything. Focus deeper water still for the chance of a keeper fluke. Sheepshead and tog are plentiful around the bridge pilings and piers, green crabs or sandfleas work best. Striper are coming back with a vengeance at night especially on soft plastics around the bridges at night. The water temperature equalizing really lit the fire. Hearing lots of fish in the upper 20-low 30 inch range.
Surfside is still hot and heavy with spot and croaker. Kingfish cant seem to beat those two to a bloodworm/fishbite meal. There has been some brown sharks mainly using spot and croaker for bait. Fluke in the surf have been around the jetties pretty heavy, a 3/8 ounce jighead or bucktail tipped with a white Gulp 4 inch swim mullet have been the ticket. Stingrays have also been steady in the surf, taking rods out of sand spikes almost daily it seems.
Wrecks and reefs have been very day to day. Netters have been wiping out most the bigger reefs. Multiple reports point towards hitting the smaller wrecks for a constant catch of decent keepers. Ac reef has been very good in the deeper water. Gulp seems to work best out there especially pink shine. Mahi finally are starting to get better. If you find pots, weedline or a buoy you should find them. Have heard a couple of bulls but mainly chickens. Heard of a few cobia, couple reports stated their boats were surrounded by the cobia but apparently they were very picky and wouldn't take anything. Keeper seabass and tog have been pretty common at the wrecks and reefs as well.
Shout out and thank you to Austin Stein for the awesome cover photo. He was fishing the inlet a couple weeks ago and got the fluke of a lifetime, 10.2lbs 30inches!